Category: uncategorized
A quickie!
Magnus: I need a puff-protector for my headset. Something fluffy! Madeleine: Aha! *crocheting for 2 minutes* Madeleine: Tada! Apparently it works in front of a fan, too! 🙂 *** Magnus: Jag behöver ett puffskydd till mitt headset. Något fluffigt! Madelene: Aha! *virkar i två minuter* Madeleine: Tada! Tydligen fungerar den framför en fläkt också! 🙂
A month of craft #8 – Challenge
Under the theme “Challenge” I’ll simply post the challenge that’s been circulating the Swedish craft blogs lately. You get 11 questions to answer, and then make up 11 new ones! I won’t be translating everything below, but here’s my 11 question challenge for those of you who feel up for it! My 11 questions! 1 –…
A month of craft: #5, 6 and 7
I’ve cheated, I know, so here comes three challenge days at once. Saturday I was away all day, and Sunday I was dead tired. Today is a great day – I’m working on a new design that I sketched up yesterday, and I’m absolutely thrilled about it! I can’t wait to finish it and have…
A month of craft #4 – Inspiration outdoors
Nature sure can be incredibly inspiring! For todays theme, I thought I’d share some photos I took a few years ago in a friends gorgeous garden. *** Naturen kan verkligen vara inspirerande! För dagens tema tänkte jag dela med mig av lite foton jag tog för några år sedan i en väns fantastiska trädgård.
A month of craft photos!
I’m glad to hear you liked Samuels cardigan! ^.^ I hope he’ll get some use of it – the sad thing about baby clothing is how fast they outgrow them! But, they still need clothes, eh? I’ve made lots of progress on my turquoise cotton cardigan, by the way! It felt like the stockinette body…
FO: Sprinkles
Here they are! After many wool sweaters I feel very focused on some lighter clothing in cotton – maybe it’s the newly arrived spring that’s inspiring me. ^.^ I’m totally in love with this three colored tweed stitch, it’s fun and easy to knit and looks so nice! Sprinkles #1 – Pink and white Drops Paris,…
36 leaves shawlette!
Remember my 22 leaves shawlette? I totally love this design, and wish I’d make it in a color that fitted my wardrobe a bit better. So, now I was suddenly in the mood to make another one! Just casted on for it in an intense yellow Kauni wool – plan to make the larger, 36…
In progress: Turquoise cotton cardi
Picked up this cotton cardigan that I started in February (seems like such a long time ago!). Lovely color, eh? I’ve knitted from 8 to 18 cm now for the body – reaching 34 cm before starting the yoke feels so far away! *** Plockade upp den här bomullskoftan som jag startade i februari (känns…
Giveaway winners!
Hey, finally! I gave each ticket a number, and used a random number generator to pick the three winners! The winners! *** Debi Y! wins price #2 Ninni! wins price #3 Fiff! wins price #1 *** Congratulations! ^.^ Email me your adresses at yarn.madness at gmail dot com
Translation dishcloth texture (Swe)
Translation of the structure pattern to Swedish! *** Här kommer en kvick liten översättning till svenska av strukturmönstret i disktrasan! Hur lätt som helst, och så fint! Virka ett antal luftmaskor delbart med 2. Virka ett par varv med fastmaskor som kant. Varv 1: 1 lm, 1 stolpe i första maskan, *hoppa över en maska,…