Category: uncategorized
MKAL update issue / Mysteriestickning – uppdateringsstrul
So, after investigating a bit, it seems I’ve encountered a bug in the Ravelry system. This does not concern those who have a Rav account! If you don’t have a Ravelry account, and have downloaded the mystery pattern on my site, it seems that no e-mail was logged, and you won’t get any updates with…
The blog has been moved (here)!
Bloggen har flyttat – hit! Yarn-Madness har blivit flyttad till en ny plattform! RSS-feeden har blivit uppdaterad, men om du stöter på problem kan du följa med med antingen mail eller RSS via länkarna nedan. Vad tycker ni om den nya looken? The blog has been moved – here! Yarn-Madness has been moved to a…
Hair knitting!
Or at least knitting at the hair dresser! ^.^
Belated goals for 2013 (Försenade mål för 2013)
Haha! Jag hittade detta bland mina utkast, skrivet i januari men bortglömt. Bättre sent än aldrig! *** Lol! I found this among my drafts, written in January but then forgotten. Hey, better late than never! Goals for 2013: Get a good start at university. Loosing weight. Buying less books (reading more that are already waiting…
The picture says it all!
Amigurumi sweets
Amigurumi sweets Originally uploaded by biribis Crochet ice cream, anyone! ^.^
Craft theme stamps! (Frimärken med handarbete!)
These Swedish stamps have been out for a while now, but I never got around to blog about them. Aren’t they lovely? The one with the socks is my favorite!^.^ *** Dessa frimärken med handarbetstema har nog de flesta sett vid det här laget, men jag kom inte ihåg att blogga om dem förrän nu.…
What? Seriously? I’ve heard of this happening, but it sure hasn’t happened to me before. It’s the yarn finger! *** Va? Allvarligt? Jag har hört talas om detta innan, men det har verkligen inte hänt mig förut. Det är garnfingret!
Yarn Madness on Facebook!
Guess what? Yarn Madness is now on Facebook, as well! Visit and like the Yarn Madness page, and make me really happy! ^.^ Here I’ll post shorter, chatty updates (come and chat yarn and craft with me!), along with blog updates, photos, pattern tips and such. Sometimes I feel I have so much to say…
Total catastrophe! I just soaked the sweater I made for Magnus to block it, and it gained maybe 3 or 4 sizes! Now what do I do? Is it a good idea to just leave it flat to dry, and maybe it will gain shape again? *** Total katastrof! Jag blötlade just tröjan jag stickat…