Category: scrap projects

  • Scrap twist blanket!

    How can you resist doing something with all those scraps? ^.^ Here’s a blanket in the making! Pattern: Ten Stitch Twist This has been resting for a while though, since I’ve been knitting on this. I’m sooo stressed this week, busy with showing and selling the apartment, so not much blogging at the moment. Please,…

  • Bubble Bum!

    Bubble Bum Baby Soakers! ^.^ Free pattern on Ravelry Yarn: Scraps of Artesano Superwash Merino and Drops Karisma Needles: 3 and 3.5 mm   *** Unfortunately this was before I learned the wrap & turn properly, so the backside looks a bit awkward. Also I can’t manage jogless stripes, they just look like shit! Anyway,…

  • Scrap Stripes! #1

    I’m so glad to see that so many are participating in my giveaway! Keep it coming! ^.^ My vest is awaiting to be photographed, and today I finished and blocked my wedding shawl! Yay! I can’t wait to show you! Meanwhile, I’ll show you a scrap yarn project I’m working on right now. Got the…

  • Scrappy crochet blanket #2

    Look, it’s growing!     Sitting down crocheting a flower, and suddenly you made three! ^.^ They might look more like stars when they’re stretched, though. I’m not sure how big it’s going to be! It’s for a sofa in our livingroom, anyway. 🙂 Some of you may have been thinking that I seem to…

  • Scrappy crochet blanket

        I mentioned that I’d chosen an octagon flower for my blanket, but after crocheting one I decided that I wanted to use a much smaller motif! After some browsing on Ravelry I finally fell for a small five petal flower that I changed into a hexagon. I love the look of this! I…

  • Scrap yarn crochet

    Restgarnsprojekt är skoj!! 😀   ***   Scrap yarn projects are fun!! 😀  

  • Birgit Slippers

    Jag måste verkligen plugga till min nästa tentamen… Men jag vill virka tofflor istället! 😀 *** Oh my, I must study for my next exam… But I want to crochet slippers instead! 😀

  • Scrap Slippers in Eskimo

    Hade massor med restgarner kvar efter mina babykoftor i Eskimo, så jag testade detta nya Drops-mönster på tofflor. Jag förstår inte alls ökningen i början/slutet av en del varv (slutade med att det såg ut som fan och fick göras om utan ökning). Väldigt mysiga tofflor i vilket fall; smart design och både roliga och…