Category: chatter

  • Merry Christmas! God jul!

    From me to you, Merry Christmas! Here’s a photo of me in action – all glorious in fuzzy morning hair, pajama, blanket and knitting. I think there was some tea involved too. Perfect! *** Från mig till er, God Jul!  Här kommer ett foto på mig i action – alldeles glamourös i stökigt morgonhår, pyajamas,…

  • Guest post

    Hello, this is Magnus (Madeleine’s better half) So, Madeleine suddenly had intense stomach pain tonight. At half past eleven we had to go to the emergency room, where she got some medicine that made her throat all numb. Then we waited. And waited. Finally they decided to try another medicine, and that worked, in the…

  • Claiming the blog on BlogLovin

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Just claimed the blog on Bloglovin, and also made sure that the updates are working properly. 🙂 *** Kopplade just ihop bloggen med Bloglovin, och såg till att uppdateringarna fungerar som de ska. 🙂

  • Ny Knitty!

        The new Knitty is out, and my time on the front page is over! Boy, was that exciting! I’ll definitely try and submit to them again in the future! 🙂 I think the cardigan Agata  is my favorite in the new issue – I might be looking at yarn for that one tonight! The…

  • Psst!

    I have something coming up on the blog today! (And no, this time it’s not about Knitty). Hang on! *** Jag har någonting på gång på bloggen idag! (Och nej, denna gången handlar det inte om Knitty). Häng kvar!

  • Knitty update

    Today I got to review my pattern before Knitty goes live with the new issue! It’s so exciting! I’m not sure wether to run around or lie down for a while.  I’m so happy with the photos  and I can’t wait to show you! Not to mention that the last exam for this semester is…

  • News, and big news!

    Hallå allesamman! Som jag har nämnt tidigare, så har jag pysslat en hel del med att sätta upp en ny sida för min blogg! Nu känner jag mig äntligen redo, och jag kommer flytta till den nya sidan i helgen.  (Jag flyttar till WordPress-plattformen, ifall någon undrar!) När jag flyttar, kommer jag peka om mitt…

  • Colors for blanket? Help!

    I’ve been thinking for a while about crocheting myself a blanket. Now I’ve chosen the motif (an octagon flower), but I’m uncertain about the colors. What to do? Crochet the whole blanket in maybe three different colors, or just mix colors completely? Help! What do you think? *** Jag har tänkt ett tag på att…

  • Loving to be versatile!

    Yay! I got an award! ^.^ Normally I don’t post about awards, but I’m very proud to be versatile so here it is! Thank you so mucy, Debi! It really warms my heart to know that people enjoy what I do! 🙂 I can also tip about Just-Do’s giveaway, where you can win a pattern…

  • Ugh!

    Waking up in the morning, realizing you’ve turned the alarm of in your sleep. Ugh, no slow morning then. *getting dressed* *starting to pack bag for school* But… Wich craft project to bring? (I just finished the one I was working on the most.) *running around looking in all the project stashes* That one? No,…