Category: baby/child
FO: Monkey hat
And here the monkey hat it, all finished! What do you think? You can find the pattern here. *** Och här har vi apmössan, alldeles färdig! Vad tycker du? Du kan hitta mönstret här.
Monkey hat #1
So, I’ve been test knitting again! This time for lovely vintagenettles (who you can find both on Ravelry and on her homepage). She’s done some absolutely gorgeous test knitting for me, and when I saw her cute monkey hat I didn’t hesitate for a second! And, being me, of course a happy and colorful monkey…
FO: Morpheus baby sweater (Rowan)
Another baby pattern is on it’s way! 🙂 Isn’t it fascinating to see sketch and finished item next to eachother? I’m happy with how it turned out! This is prototype no 1, knitted in gray Rowan Creative Focus Worsted, and yellow Drops Karisma. I put this aside for a while when I got stuck on…
Nybörjarstickans baby cardigan!
Here’s another version of Yet to be named baby cardigan, this time by Nybörjarstickan! I love it, what a beautiful effect with a color changing yarn! I really need to make a new version myself! ^.^ *** Här kommer en till version av Yet to be named baby cardigan, denna gång av Nybörjarstickan! Jag…
New pattern: Bonny Baby
I had so much inspiration in January, and came up with lots of ideas! Here comes one more of them! 🙂 (For some reason my inspiration ran away recently, but I’ve been randomly sketching to try and find it again.) Bonny Baby is (as always) knitted top down and seamless, a…
Hedvig’s cardigan!
Look what lovely Hedvig made with one of my patterns, Yet to be named baby cardigan! Gorgeous colors, don’t you think? Now I want to make a new one myself! I also plan to rewrite the pattern now that I’ve learned more, so that you can change size and still use the same yarn weight.…
Pattern: Baby Blizzard
A new pattern! I seem to have a thing for baby cardigans and sweaters – it’s a fast and fun knit! But, I have some other things on the way too! ^.^ Baby Blizzard is knitted top down and seamless (the best method!), slightly asymmetric with a simple lace panel on one side. I knitted…
Pattern: Frills!
Yay! Frills! is finished! After making changes to the original pattern I’m finally satisfied, and here it is! 🙂 I hope many of you will want to knit this one – it’s very versatile! It’s easily changed between baby sweater, tunic and dress. Commence knitting! Download: English pattern (pdf) Swedish pattern (pdf) Ravelry pattern page…
Frills – sneak peek!
Here’s a sneak peek on the new Frills! I’m so much more happy with this one. I’ll publish the pattern this evening, as soon as I’m done editing! 🙂 *** Här kommer en tjuvtitt på nya Frills! Jag är otroligt mycket nöjdare med den här. Kommer publicera mönstret på bloggen ikväll (svenska översättningen kommer nog…
Pattern: Baby Bubble
Yay! Här kommer ett nytt mönster från mig – denna gång en söt babytopp! Har fått väldigt uppmuntrande respons på Ravelry for den här, så jag hoppas ni kommer tycka om den! Jag är så glad över att jag började designa mina egna mönster – det ger mig precis det kreativa utlopp jag behövde! Jag…