Category: baby/child
FO: Juvel
Och här har vi Juvel, alldeles färdig! Storlek 3 månader var tanken, men den ser snarare ut som 6 månader – jag tror min stickfasthet var lite lösare än planerat. Fick pussla lite för att få färgövergången i ärmarna att bli vettig, men jag är rätt nöjd! Det självrandande garnet är Noro Kureyon, vilket…
Juvel #3
Framkant färdig, ärmar på gång! Just nu stickar jag även för fullt på en kofta till mig själv, i röd Drops Big Merino – åh, så mysig den känns! *** Front edge finished, sleeves next! Right now I’m also knitting away on a cardigan to myself, in bright red Drops Big Merino…
Juvel #2
Foto på framstegen med Juvel! Kom precis hem från en stor tenta som gick käpprätt åt helvete. Usch. Jag kommer parkera mig i min soffa med mitt garn och försöka glömma allt annat för en stund eller två. *** Juvel progress photo! Just home from a large exam, which went right down…
New pattern and giveaway: Hopp Mini (Nytt mönster och utlottning!)
First came Hopp, and then came Hopp Mini! Now available for download, and you can find more info here! I’ll be giving away three copies of the pattern, so comment on this post for your chance to win! Winners will be published on Monday. 🙂 ETA; With only three comments, I guess it’s easy…
Sleep deprivation = inspiration?
December really hasn’t been my month. I was actually sick even before I endured the surprising attack of the gall stones – my neck locked up, and I’ve had really severe pain in my neck, left shoulder and arm. It’s been hurting so much that I haven’t been able to sleep – believe it or…
FO: Kalas
For a while now I’ve planned on making a new knitted dress for the wee girls! Well, actually I wanted to make a baby boy vest, but I’m still waiting on myself figuring out how I want to do it… Anyway, this is what came out! I’m trying a new way to do the yoke,…
Arvid & Gridlines
Look what I found! I need to go through older photos and see what I’ve forgotten to blog about. My friends boy Arvid sure knows how to model, don’t you think? This time he’s wearing Gridlines, one of my early designs. I have to take a photograph of my combined collection of baby knits…
FO: Hopp Mini
Pretty much the same evening that I finished Hopp for myself, I cast on for a small version – here we have Hopp Mini! For the 6 months size I used about 240 yards of cheap acrylic Red heart soft yarn from my stash. Since there wasn’t room for the lace on the sleeves,…
New pattern: Fjäril mini!
Did I ever let you know that the pattern for Fjäril Mini is finished? I don’t think so! This amazing photo and gorgeous girl belongs to sawyerscience, who helped me test the pattern. Isn’t she just adorable? The yarn used is called Berroco Vintage DK in the color Kingfisher. Such a pretty blue! …
New pattern: Rampljus
Ravelry page for 4 USD (ca 25 SEK) Yay! The testing of my pattern Rampljus is now finished! It is available on Ravelry, and you can also use the links above! 🙂 *** Hurra! Testandet av mitt mönster Rampljus är nu klart! Det finns tillgängligt på Ravelry, och du kan även använda…