Author: madeleine
Love note #2
Sunday cardigan #2
Yoke finished on my Sunday cardigan. Color more true to life in these photos! 🙂
Hipp #2
Making progress, looking good! Do you see where I’m going with this? 🙂
Scrappy blanket
Blanket in progress! I’ve shown you something similar before, with this scrap yarn blanket. That one is resting for now. I work simple garter stitch strips, seaming them together when finished. Combining colors are as much fun as the knitting itself! Here I’ve collected all scraps and odd skeins in red, pink, brown and orange/…
Cropped cardi
Had a nice cardigan pattern ripped out from a magazine, but no super bulky yarn to match. On a whim I just pulled four skeins from stash that worked good together. Resulted in a pretty beautiful swatch, eh? A great way to use up stash. Yarns are Drops Air (color 8), Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk…
Yarn addiction
Knit while the baby is sleeping! Who needs sleep anyway? 😅💖
Hipp, new design in progress
Yay! Jag fick inspiration till en tredje ny design, som jag kallar Hipp! Denna gång en lite mer flickig väst eller ärmlös topp. Garnet är Malabrigo Rios i härligt brunrosa färgställning Illusion. Yay! I had inspiration for a third new design! This time a more girly pullover vest or sleeveless top. I’m calling it Hipp!…
Another split brim bonnet
Stash diving to the max! This thick & thin wool had been in my stash for years! Yay for Christmas gift knitting 🙂 💜
Love Note sweater
Another started project in my knitting basket! I got a bit crazy about casting on new sweaters for a while there, hah! Here we have a Love Note sweater, using hand dyed sock yarn (with glitter!) from Limmo design, together with red fluff, Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk. The white is taking over more than expected;…
FO: Pärla
Tada! En av mina två (kanske tre) kommande nya mönster, Pärla. Jag har använt Malabrigo Mecha i färgerna English Rose och Natural. En kort övertröja till en liten klänning, sömlös, stickad uppifrån och ner och med ett sött spetsmönster. Mönstret teststickas just nu. Tada! One of my two (maybe three) upcoming new designs, Pärla (Swedish…