Slow summertime knitting

Bara långsam sommarstickning just ny. “Semester” betyder fullt schema, där alla projekt ska hinnas med, kanske led lite vila emellanåt.

Här syr jag på en ny remsa på min restgarnsfilt. Ett jättebra sätt att använda upp lite stash, och lika kul att blanda trådar som att sticka!


Only slow summertime knitting at the moment. “Vacation” means a full schedule, trying to get various projects done, and squezing in some rest in between.

Here stitching on a new strip to my scrap yarn blanket. This is such a great way to use up some stash, and combining threads are just as fun as the knitting itself!




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5 responses to “Slow summertime knitting”

  1. NADINE avatar

    It’s beautiful, congratulations !
    May I ask :
    1) how you join the strips together ?
    2) where do you find those short knitting needles ?

    Heartful thanks for your answer,
    Keep going !

    NADINE (Belgium)

    1. madeleine avatar

      Thank you Nadine! I simply whip stitch the strips through the selvage stitch edges. The needles are Zing by KnitPro – not sure if there are several different lengths available 🙂

      1. NADINE avatar

        Thank you so much, Madeleine 😀

        In stitches,

  2. ruby avatar

    love many stitches did you begin with?
    thank you,

  3. […] in progress! I’ve shown you something similar before, with this scrap yarn blanket. That one is resting for […]

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