Såhär långt har jag kommit på min HAED (Heaven and earth design) Mini So many books, so little time av Randal Spangler. Älskar motivet! Har kommit en bra bit, men nu har det fått vila ett bra tag.
Progress on my HAED (Heaven and earth design) Mini So many books, so little time by Randal Spangler. Love this motif! I got pretty far, but now this has been resting for a while.
Rainbow fairy av Joan Elliott. Mönstret fick jag i specialutgåvan Ultimate Cross Stitch Fantasy.
One of Joan Elliotts gorgeous gorgeous fairies in progress – this one I think is called Rainbow fairy. I got my chart in the Ultimate Cross Stitch Fantasy special issue, but I think that is out of stock by now.
Nalletavla till min egen lille Kiwi! Ska färdigställas under året! 🙂
Cute baby birth bear sampler that I’m making for my own wee Kiwi! I don’t plan to finish before he has arrived, but definitely this year! 🙂
Förra årets mysterium Christmas town från Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery. Färdigbroderad nu, men behöver göras till en färdig hängare. DMC 4 trådar på lite grövre linneväv.
Progress shot of the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery stitch-along Christmas town from last year. I’ve finished stitching, but still need to make a nice hanger out of this one! DMC 4 threads on rough linen.
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