Scrap project inspiration

Ugh, what a day. Thank heavens for crafting!

Something I feel that I’ve always been doing ever since I started crafting is looking for good ideas for all that scrap yarn you end up with (who isn’t?).  I’ve tried starting so many different blankets, which is the first thing that comes to mind, but something always makes me really uncertain or anxious about it before I’m even getting somewhere – whether it be the pattern, which colors or which fibers to use… I’ve tried other items as well, like a coat, and a cardigan…but would I even wear them? Hm!

But, the unbelievable has happened; now I’m actually getting somewhere with a scrap blanket! It’s already about a meter wide – I’ll show you in my next post.

Here follows a bunch of various scrap ideas that I’ve tried out – maybe you can find some inspiration! Most of them never really happened for me… but maybe I’ll give them another go, some other time!




Usch, vilken dag. Tack och lov för handarbete!

Något jag tror jag alltid har gjort ända sedan jag började handarbeta är att leta bra idéer för alla restgarner man samlar på sig (vem gör inte det?). Jag har provstartat så många olika filtar, som nog är det första man kommer att tänka på, men något gör mig alltid så osäker innan jag ens kommer någonstans – det kan vara mönster, färger eller fibrer … Jag har provat andra saker också, som en kappa och en kofta … men skulle jag ha dem på mig? Hm!

Men, det otroliga har hänt; nu är jag faktiskt på gång med en restgarnsfilt! Den är redan ca en meter bred – bilder kommer i nästa inlägg.

Här följer ett gäng olika restgarnsidéer som jag har provat – kanske får ni lite inspiration! De flesta av dem blev det aldrig något med för min del – men kanske prövar jag igen!


Ten twist stitch scrap blanket
Ten twist stitch… I really love the idea of this blanket, but somehow I wasn’t happy with the colors I chose in the beginning.


Star baby blanket
Star crochet blanket – another fun idea, but at the time I wasn’t in the mood.


Here I was inspired by a really beautiful bag I saw on Ravelry, but didn’t get very far…


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This was actually really pretty, and quite fun, too! Too bad I made the mistake to mix cotton and wool fibers here, and didn’t like the result of that.


Stash and Stripes
I’ve always loved the gorgeous shawls that Flowermouse makes, but here I found the stockinette tedious, and the edges rolling too much… so I started another in garter stitch instead, which is turning out much better!


Crazy Coloured Coat
A coat, was the idea. Really?


Stash cardi
I’ve actually finished the knitting of this cardigan! – I still need to weave in all the ends, though, and see if it’s actually wearable… Oh boy!




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4 responses to “Scrap project inspiration”

  1. Sanja avatar

    I love the scarf idea. I usually do seed stitch pattern I find it best for not rolling. A scraps hat would be good too. I don’t usually have scraps in the same weight of yarn (my projects are so random) so flowers and bows for hats are always on the menu. As well and knitted headbands. I love that spiral blanket also.

    Love of Cuteness

  2. Emilia avatar

    Härliga restgarnsprojekt!

  3. Fiff avatar

    Härlig inspiration!

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