Knitted mug! (Stickad glöggmugg!)

At the sales between Christmas and New years eve, I came across these cute mugs with a knitted texture. I almost regret that I never bought any – they fit a yarn maniac so well! They’re meant for mulled wine, which is very popular in Sweden around Christmas – is it where you come from, as well?

These can be found here.


På mellandagsredan fick jag syn på dessa glöggmuggar i porslin, med en stickad yta. Jag ångrar nästan att jag inte köpte mig några, de passar ju en garngalning så bra! Du hittar dem här.







One response to “Knitted mug! (Stickad glöggmugg!)”

  1. WildflowerWool avatar

    They are cute, we don’t have mulled wine here.

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