Waking up in the morning, realizing you’ve turned the alarm of in your sleep.
Ugh, no slow morning then.
*getting dressed*
*starting to pack bag for school*
Wich craft project to bring? (I just finished the one I was working on the most.)
*running around looking in all the project stashes*
That one? No, I don’t want to do that one.
This one? I’m not sure I want to finish it, so no.
Crap, I’m late!
This one!!
Now, why is the pattern not where the project is?
*running around looking again*
Where is the damn pattern??
*looks some more*
OK, that one then.
Wait, where is the crochet hook?
*grabs things and hurry for the tram station*
Clearly, my priorities in the mornings are not leaning towards breakfast!
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