Inspiration #14 – Felted crafts

Another technique I haven’t tried yet. 🙂

Enjoy some photos from Flickr!


Mini Felted Bowls


shop update :: felted water bottle carriers


Felted Wool Bowl


Felted mossy green bag with needle felted flowers


Bracelet - Into the Spring


Poppy-girl-Needle felted soft sculpture - Waldorf Inspired-For custom orders


French Press Felted Slippers, finished







5 responses to “Inspiration #14 – Felted crafts”

  1. lovestitch avatar

    Such a great inspiration! I’ve never tried before too… Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a beautiful week! x

  2. mosteringalisa avatar

    Har gått en kurs i nåltovning,vilket var jätteroligt men man kan ju också våttova och maskintova.Man får väl prova sig fram lite men man kan ju helt klart göra fantastiskt fina saker.

  3. skapa och inreda avatar

    helt underbara bilder!

  4. Happy in red avatar

    I love the beadie bracelet!

  5. Mia avatar

    Oh how beautiful felts, thank you for having me in there too! And you really should try it sometimes, it’s quite easy and so much FUN!

    Happiest first week of May and many greetings from Finland!


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